About Us

our story

RCN Imports Inc. specializes in the Importing and Distribution of high-quality food products to Retail Operations, Food-service Distributors and Manufacturers across the United States. Our success comes from our unique relationships with suppliers from around the globe. 

We maintain a concentrated product range thus allowing us to focus on being experts on our products, sharing information and suggesting usage, as well as to provide exceptional service. 

Customers may purchase from our locally warehoused inventory or take full shipments directly to their own locations.

Why Us?

We are a minority-held, privately owned company with a flexible and efficient small business model.




Organic Certification

The Organic Foods Production Act of 1990 established national standards for the production and handling of organic agricultural products. The Act authorized the USDA to create the National Organic Program (NOP),
which is responsible for developing, and ensuring compliance with USDA organic regulations.

Consumers choose to purchase organic products with the expectation that they are grown, processed, and handled according to the USDA organic regulations. Organic certification verifies that the handling facility complies with the USDA organic regulations.

An organic operation certificate is the documentation that indicates a business is certified as an organic operation under the USDA or equivalent organic regulations. The operation certificate allows that business to sell, label, or market its products as organic. Organic operation certificates are issued by certifiers out of the Organic Integrity Database and contain a 10-digit NOP identification number. An NOP Import Certificate must be associated with any certified organic products imported to the United States. The NOP Import Certificate provides traceability to the port of entry and ensures an auditable record trail to effectively trace imports back to exporters.

RCN Imports, Inc. has proudly completed the process to auditors to prove our compliance with all NOP-USDA requirements for organic certification. Our certification can be found on the UDSA website under the
Organic Integrity Database.

Contact Us

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