Pinsa Pronto

Hand-Stretched -
Par-Baked -
Traditional Pinsa Shell

Pinsas are no secret in Rome, they have been making this thick yet airy crust for years. We are excited to introduce this delight to the American pizza market.

The pinsa flavor profile is new and exciting; a crispy crust that is soft and airy on the inside, making it the perfect bite. Each shell is hand-stretched, leaving the dough with large, fluffy air pockets that hold up beautifully when topped.

Pinsa Pronto has the added benefit of being a healthier option to traditional pizza crusts. Thanks to high-quality ingredients and a 72-hour fermentation period, it’s easier to digest. Pinsa Pronto has less cholesterol, less fat, fewer calories, and fewer carbs than regular pizza; but it is big on flavor that your customers will love and will order again and again.

Pinsa Options

REGOLARE (Regular)

9 x 13 inch Oval

12 pack / 7.8 lb. Box

GRANDE (Large)

9 x 24 inch Oval

12 pack / 14.35 lb. Box


12 inch Round

Convenient - Versatile - Delicious Simply Top, Bake, & Serve!

Convenient -
Versatile -
Simply Top, Bake, & Serve!

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